
What is the Hardest Day of the Week for You?

Mine seems to be Mondays. Remember the words to the Mamas and Papas song? Monday, Monday, can’t trust that day. That’s kind of how I feel about it.

Usually I take the weekends off from my writing. I catch up on things around the house, run errands, cook a bit so I have easy meals for the coming week. You know odds and ends. There’s always plenty to do on the weekend.

But I also like to have time to watch television, read or work on my craft projects. And just relax without any pressures for a few days.

But then another Monday rolls around. It’s back into the work week. And as much as I love what I do, it’s hard to get back into things.

My mind is often still on the weekend. I get off to shaky starts on Mondays. There’s a reason we don’t trust it. It expects things from us. We are supposed to show up on Mondays with bright eyes, an alert brain, fully engaged and ready to put new things into action.

But seriously, how many of us greet a Monday warmly? I sure don’t. I usually go into a Monday kicking and screaming. What happened to those extra hours of sleep I get on Saturdays and Sundays? Mondays sure don’t let you sleep in. Mondays have lots of expectations. More so than any other day of the week.

But somehow I adjust to every new Monday. Then as I work my way back from the lazy weekend days that expect very little of me, I eventually get with the program.

By Tuesday, I’m fully back into a good solid work ethic. Until the next Monday rolls around.

So what’s your hardest day of any week? And why? I’m guessing there are a lot of folks like me. Mondays – yeah, they are tough.

Here’s to that necessary day.


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