Books, Life, personal growth, Success

Finishing a Book; Starting a New Project

Yesterday I finished the draft of my 4th book in the River City Mystery series. Today I’m on a self imposed vacation.

Sadly, I’m not in the Maldives as the picture above depicts. But I’m home. Enjoying some downtime.

Writing is hard work. But it is also very rewarding. I am so pleased with this latest book project. My characters are all in a very good place at the end of the story. I’ve revealed a series secret or two and I have seen a lot of character growth.

One of my personal pet peeves in reading series from any genre is when the characters do not grow. We all grow in our lives from day to day. Why shouldn’t our characters? So that’s something I always try to work on with my story people. And I have to say, I’m pleased. And they seem pleased as well.

I don’t have a hint of what my cover will look like for this book. I hope to get some glimpses of it in early October. My cover artist always surprises and delights me. This story will be available in both e-book and paperback.

After this book is published, I will have two months until the end of the year. Originally, I thought I’d work on one of my unfinished projects or start a new series. But I always try to listen to what my characters want too.

Your Addiction is Deadly, this 4th book, had all of the characters telling me – don’t stop now. Pull out your notes for book 5. We want to be the next project in your line up. So they have spoken and I have listened. The last two months and into the new year will be book 5 in this series. And then I’ll see where we will go.

I know there will be at least one more book in The River City Mysteries. But I haven’t thought much more after book 6. So time – and my characters – will decide on that.

But I do have two or three other series just waiting for their chance to shine too. It’s a great problem to have.

So while I’m taking some much needed time off I’m going to do a few things around the house, some knitting and crocheting, walking in the fall weather and chilling out with some movies. But I’d rather have this as my view for the next week.

Hope you are enjoying the start of the autumn season. And I hope you are challenging yourself with new projects and even managing some downtime. We need work and play in our lives to stay balanced.


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